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Welcome to our classroom website!  I know it is going to be a great first grade year!  Please visit this class website often to find out whats happening in our classroom.  If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me (

***Please be aware of the day's weather and dress your child accordingly.  We will try to go outside for recess as much as possible.


Important Dates and Reminders:



March 31- No School Inservice for Staff

April 2- No Extended Day


Day 1: Art & Chinese
Day 2: Spanish & Chinese
Day 3: Music & Spanish
Day 4: Chinese & Spanish

Day 5: Gym
This Week: This week will begin on a Day 1. 


Lesson 21- Add Two-Digit Numbers

* Apply and extend previously learned models and addition strategies to add two-digit numbers

* Understand that to add two-digit numbers, you can add the tens with tens and the ones with ones

* Use equations showing composition and decomposition to add two-digit numbers, and explain the reasoning used. 

1.NBT.C.4- Add within 100, including adding a two-digit number and a one-digit number, and adding a two-digit number and a multiple of 10

Sunset Reading

Language Arts: 

Unit- Sound and Light Waves

Theme- How the World Works

Central Idea- Light and Sound Move in Waves

We will continue to learn about light energy. We will finish creating a light energy book. 


Phonics- UFLI Lesson 65 (-ing)

UFLI Lesson 67a (compound words)


Throughout the month of March and April, our class will become authors. We are going to create a book that will be published! Parents will be able to purchase their own book later on. 

We will create our own story that has a problem, a solution, characters, and setting. 

We are really excited for this opportunity to become authors! 


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