Welcome to our classroom website! I know it is going to be a great first grade year! Please visit this class website often to find out whats happening in our classroom. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me (timko@yscp.org)
***Please be aware of the day's weather and dress your child accordingly. We will try to go outside for recess as much as possible.
Important Dates and Reminders:
October 7-11- Fall Book Fair
October 10- Fall Picture Day
October 31- Parent Teacher Conferences- No School
November1- Parent Teacher Conferences- No School
Day 1: Art & Chinese
Day 2: Spanish & Chinese
Day 3: Music & Spanish
Day 4: Chinese & Spanish
Day 5: Gym
This Week: This week will begin on a Day 3.
Solve Word Problems to 10
* Generate groups of related addition and subtraction equations, called fact families.
* Make sense of stories being told in problems and use equations to represent problems.
* Work with change-unknown word problems
* Choose strategies and tools to efficiently solve word problems within 10.
1.OA.A.1- Use addition and subtraction to solve word problems involving situations of adding to taking from, putting together, and taking apart with unknowns in all positions
1.OA.B.4-- Understand subtraction as an unknown addend problem.
1.OA.C.6- Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.
Language Arts:
Unit- My Neighborhood
Theme- Sharing the planet
Central Idea- Everyone is part of a community
Essential Question- What is a neighborhood?
Weekly Question- How do signs in our neighborhood help us?
Weekly Story- Look Both Ways
Vocabulary- left, right, guard, crosswalk
Phonics- short a, i, o review
Language Arts- Adjectives
Writing- We will write using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
We will also discuss complete and incomplete sentences.